The Benefits of Hemp
Hemp is rich in various compounds like CBD. When working synergistically, they increase the efficiency and offer multiple positive benefits. Smoking hemp is actually the most effective way to consume CBD, as it allows it's effects to be felt immediately. Aside from being a viable alternative to tobacco, smoking hemp offers a range of benefits to improve your daily well-being.







Known Benefits of CBD
Compared to traditional tobacco cigarettes, hemp presents far less serious risks. In fact, numerous research has concluded CBD to offer numerous positive effects, such as:
• Has anti-inflammatory properties
• Used for chronic pain management
• Promotes restful sleep
• Used for combating depression
• Effective in reducing PTSD
• Regulates stress
• Helpful with substance abuse treatment
• Arrests cancerous growth
• Strengthens cardiovascular system
• Aides Irritable Bowel Syndrome
• Helpful in combating obesity
• Can reduce epilepsy and seizures
CBD for Nicotine Addiction
While CBD can't treat nicotine addiction itself, the addictive physical act of smoking a combustible cigarette can be replaced with a hemp cigarette (that's non-addictive) which still gives you the same physical smoking sensation. A double-blind study conducted states that "those treated with CBD significantly reduced the number of cigarettes smoked by ~40% during treatment" over use with a placebo.

Nicotine is the Problem
Did you know that nicotine, the key ingredient used by Big Tobacco companies to get people addicted, is the most common addiction in America? Over 50 million Americans are addicted to some form of nicotine - whether from traditional tobacco cigarettes or vape. This plaguing addiction helps contribute to over 500,000 smoking related deaths per year. Crazy, right? That's why we've formulated a better alternative to still smoke, but without the addictive nicotine or harmful chemicals.
All the Good Stuff, With No Fluff
We use the entire hemp plant, as opposed to just isolate, so it contains all forms of helpful cannabinoids. This results in an "entourage effect" which provides you the benefits of not just CBD, but CBG, CBDV, CBDA, CBN and CBC - all under 0.3% THC.